Crikey still too much cricket…

Very little of anything has been done this weekend. It is certainly too hot for knitting, my needles are very sticky, even the bamboo ones!!

No nettle root pulling up but I have decided to plant some bulbs and throw such grass and wild flower seed on the patch and see what happens. Now it may work, it way not? There is a bit of a flooding problem when the river Severn gets a bit full so we shall see 🌷🌷🌷

I am a bit behind on my walking I need to do 5 miles every day now if I want to hit 50 miles by the end of August πŸ‘£πŸ‘£πŸ‘£.

And the whole weekend has been spent with cricket on in every room in the house either on TV, radio or computer – I am pulling my hair out. It has gone from doom and gloom (so why is he continuing to watch it?) to utter excitement (which cannot be good for his blood pressure?) ❀

So we are having a BBQ this evening to celebrate. I don’t do charred flesh so am being a bit of a wet blanket and having a salad πŸ…

A bit concerned that he might have set BBQ up a bit close to the house, hopefully we won’t have to call out the fire brigade πŸš’

6 thoughts on “SELF-HELP #11

  1. I’m glad my husband only watches the Tour de France highlights on the computer. No cricket, or football, or hockey, or anything else for us. We are not charred flesh types either – no barbecues, but unfortunately we occasionally get wafts from the neighbour’s deck and they are probably cooking the poor deer that he shot 😦

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  2. I’m so glad it was hot here but not so hot I couldn’t knit. I didn’t have a BBQ but I do had a salad, followed by strawberries and ice cream. I have about 3 knitting projects on the go and when I finished one I dug out a hat book I bought when I visited my sister in Scotland and she said ‘oh that one’s nice, you can knit it for my birthday’. Her birthday is now about 3 weeks away so I knitted most of it and it’s one of those patterns which was knitted at 10.30 on a Friday night whilst watching Graham Norton and drinking wine….honestly it’s dreadful and I can’t say I’ve enjoyed the experience. It’ll be donated to another charity shop when the hat is finished.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. But what will your sister be wearing?
      How funny I have a sister in Scotland as well. She had mittens for Christmas last year, I am thinking golf club cosies this year 🏌
      Thank you for looking in 😎


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