a cosy cuppa…

Handicrafts and gardening are both good ways of looking after your mental health especially when the sun is out šŸŒ

I had a little knitting kit for Christmas to make a mug cosy. It was aimed at beginners but you know me…

The kit contained full instructions, some divine wool and these super cute chunky knitting needles, they are just so dinky šŸ˜‰ The cosy is just done in garter stitch and because it’s a chunky yarn grows really quickly.

Now after my mindful bit of knitting, I really enjoyed the feel of the wool and handling those dinky chunky needles I put my cosy on a mug and made myself a cuppa. I took my cuppa outside and potted a few primulas to make my garden pretty.

And my cuppa stayed nice and warm in its little coat šŸ˜š

Woolly wishes,

Jane ā™”ā™”ā™”

33 thoughts on “TAKING CARE OF ONESELF

  1. Those needles are ADORABLE!!!!!
    Iā€™ve made a bunch of cup cozies for to-go cups, but never my mug. Youā€™ve inspired me to come up with something to keep my caffeinated beverages warm!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. So cute and I really live that yarn! Iā€™m the same as one of the women in the other comments. I have some for to-go type cups, but nothing for my mugs! It didnā€™t even occur to me that I would keep my tea warmer longed. šŸ¤¦šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø

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  3. You can always find a reason to cast on a new project. Love your new mug hug. I often wondered why people knitted them – to cover up ugly mugs perhaps I thought – not actually thinking they keep the cuppa warm!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Very nice! I made mug cosies for my friends a few years ago for Christmas gifts (bought big mugs at the Dollar Store). Filled them with wrapped candies – a quick/easy gift.
    Yours looks very nice! (I’ll be interested in hearing IF you use the chunky needles again!)

    Liked by 1 person

    1. What a fab idea Pammie. They are loads of fun but possibly not an every day use item. With regards to the needles I hope to use them again as they are lovely to handle but, sadly, of limited use. Perhaps cosies for Christmas ā¤


  5. I long for sunshiney days so that I can craft in the garden. Getting outside and listening to garden noises always gives me a boost so I lived vicariously through your post šŸ™‚

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